Win The War On Inflammation

Knee Inflammation

According to the US CDC (Center for Disease Control), currently half of all American adults and 54 percent of children have at least one chronic disease. In addition, chronic disease is responsible for at least seven out of 10 deaths.


The article mentions four contributory factores:

1) Crippled natural barriers
2) Leaky gut
3) Vaccines
4) Widespread vitamin D deficiency

While I have no disagreement with these factors, the article does not mention two of the major sources of inflammation – too high a percentage of inflammatory foods and too low a percentage of anti-inflammatory foods in the diet. I have a chapter on this in my book How to Live The Healthiest Life. It’s a two volume encyclopedia on what I have gathered over the last 10 years of reading on nutrition and health. The digital version is a steal at $47 and the printed copy a bargain at $77. If you want to attain or maintain your status as one of the top 12% of healthiest people, it has a lot of very valuable data to assist that goal. You can get your copy here:

This Is U.S.: Just 12 Percent Of American Adults Are Metabolically Healthy, Study Finds

(I would be VERY surprised if the Australian results were much different.)

The prevalence of what doctors consider good metabolic health is shockingly low in American adults, a new study finds. Researchers from the University of North Carolina’s Gillings School of Global Public Health say that just 12 percent of the country’s adult population is considered metabolically healthy. That means a vast portion of the population is at greater risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, or other dangerous health conditions over time.

The five factors identified as indicators of good or bad metabolic health are: blood glucose, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference. If adults can maintain optimal levels of these indicators without medication, they are deemed metabolically healthy.

“The study fills a gap. We wanted to know how many American adults really meet the guidelines for all of these risk factors and are within optimal levels for disease prevention and health,” explains Joana Araujo, postdoctoral research associate in nutrition and first author, in a news release. According to Araujo’s calculations, only about one in eight Americans meet those standards for all five factors.

Araujo and her team studied data from 8,721 Americans between 2009 and 2016 who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which is led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Only 12.2 percent of those surveyed were metabolically healthy, or about 27.3 million American adults, if the ratio is extrapolated to the entire US adult population.

The research found that people, particularly women, who were more physically active, did not smoke, and had a higher education, were more likely to meet all five factors.

“Based on the data, few Americans are achieving metabolic health, but the most disturbing finding was the complete absence of optimal metabolic health in adults who had obesity, less than a high school education, were not physically active and were current smokers,” she says. “Our findings should spur renewed attention to population-based interventions and widely accessible strategies to promote healthier lifestyles.”

The full study was published November 27, 2018 in the journal Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders.

Proper Detox Sequence I

f you have eaten my bars or taken my NutriBlast powder you will notice how they can loosen the bowels, the first step of a properly sequenced detox regime. And if you look at the ingredients in my NutriBlast Detox Formula you’ll readily see how beneficial they are

Your Diet

Your Diet

And the thoughts you allow to take up residence in your mind.I am better learning to disallow space in my mind for negativity by as soon as it starts, to refocus on positive goals and targets.

Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To Your Brain & Why Big Pharma Won’t Study It

“We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system…

When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged.

What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. ”

Back in 2007, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a scientific review of numerous studies which examined the effects of fasting, and the multiple human and animal studies have shown that fasting effectively lowers the risk of cancer and heart problems, and provides great effects in the treatment of diabetes.

Chemo Deadly

Research shows cancer patients that forgo treatment live 9 years longer than individuals receiving chemotherapy

Turning to chemotherapy for cancer treatment is a bit like Russian roulette: It could kill the cancer or it could make you sicker and result in the development of new cancers. Though it’s pretty much impossible to locate statistics on chemotherapy-related deaths (because they’re ruled as a result of cancer), some experts assert that chemotherapy has the potential to hasten one’s death, compared to individuals who forgo treatment altogether.

Dr. Hardin B. Jones, a former professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, Berkeley, shares this opinion. After studying the life spans of cancer patients for more than 25 years, Jones concluded that chemotherapy simply doesn’t work.

He observed innumerable cancer patients who received chemotherapy and died an unpeaceful death, many of whom met their fate much sooner than those who forwent all treatment. After investigating this further, Dr. Jones found that cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy actually died more quickly, in most cases, than those who followed their doctors’ recommendations by getting the treatment.

“A few number-crunching efforts later and Dr. Jones exposed a fact that the conventional cancer industry doesn’t want the world to know about its multi-billion-dollar cash cow.”

Jones’ findings were published in the journal Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. In it he wrote: “People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 and a half years. Those who accepted other kinds of treatment lived on an average of only 3 years.”

His discovery also applied to breast cancer patients: Women that forwent traditional treatments including chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, opting for no treatment instead, lived four times longer than those receiving harsh, conventional treatments.