Soros Predicts Chaos

Soros Predicts Chaos
Don’t fall for this insane psychotic’s destructive predictions.
There is always something you can do about it.
Do all you can to throw calm and order where there would otherwise be chaos.
Expand you communication.lines.
Widen your zone of influence.
Spread truth, expose the lies.
Urge respect and tolerance, peace and harmony for all men of good will.
Listen to and watch not the mainstream propaganda machines.
Rely on direct observation rather than rumour and false reports from vested interest backed media outlets
Vote out the politicians who allowed the present situation to occur.
Get rid of the two-party monopoly on politics.
Elect people’s representatives, not party puppets.

Your Smile For The Day

The guys at the golf course asked me to name an actress I would like to be stuck in an elevator with.
I told them the one who knows how to fix elevators. I’m old, I’m tired, and I have to pee a lot.

The story was…

A kid was walking on the beach, after a storm, tossing stranded creatures back into the water.
The child was holding a small fish when the watching adult said, “What are you doing that for? Don’t you see how many there are? You can’t make a difference.”
As the small hand lowered the fish into the water, the small voice said, “It made a difference to this one.”