Glucose Stimulates Brain, Fructose Generates Hibernate Mode

From the Chicago Tribune: “The researchers … found that ‘cortical control areas’ — broad swaths of gray matter that surrounded the hypothalamus — responded quite differently to the infusion of fructose than they did to glucose. Across the limited regions of the brain they scanned… …glucose significantly raised the level of neural activity for about 20 minutes following the infusion. Fructose had the opposite effect, causing activity in the same areas to drop and stay low for 20 minutes after the infusion.”

…it’s easy to see how and why fructose—mainly in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)—is in large part responsible for the meteoric rise of obesity and its related health problems.
It’s a staple ingredient in a vast majority of sweetened beverages and processed foods of all kinds, from pre-packaged meals to baked goods and condiments. And the number one source of calories in America is soda, in the form of HFCS!

How to prevent typos in your copy

According to an article in Customer Service Advantage (5 Oct 2007, p. 4), spell-check fails to catch 7 out of 10 errors.
Therefore, you have to proofread your copy carefully. But that’s difficult to do if you’ve already read the copy multiple times, because your mind skips many words.
Solution: proofread your copy backward.
Why it works: the copy loses all meaning when read backward, forcing you to notice each word more.
This tip appears courtesy of Bob Bly Direct Response Letter

Sticky Notes for Your Desktop

If you are a person who loves and uses post-it notes all over the place you can tidy up your desk dramatically by getting a great free program called HOTTNOTES, (Note the double “t”). This little application enables you to have notes on your computer desktop – hide them, colour them, have different ones for lists, reminders etc. You can get it at