TV Ads Linked to Childhood Obesity

TV is bad for you in so many ways. First it promotes inactivity rather than activity. That is mentally and physically damaging. The more time sitting, the worse your mental and physical health. The rays do you no good and the messages are often less desirable than you would choose let alone being one piece of the jigsaw puzzle of programmed disinformation and mind control. Now the latest research links junk food ads to childhood obesity.

TV Ads Linked to Childhood Obesity

TV is bad for you in so many ways. First it promotes inactivity rather than activity. That is mentally and physically damaging. The more time sitting, the worse your mental and physical health. The rays do you no good and the messages are often less desirable than you would choose let alone being one piece of the jigsaw puzzle of programmed disinformation and mind control. Now the latest research links junk food ads to childhood obesity.

Creepy app uses Twitter and Flickr data to track anyone on a map

When you post a photo online — especially from a phone with a built-in camera — you’re likely sharing more than the picture itself. The same is true for updates you post on Twitter. Location data is commonly included, and crafty types can do all kinds of creepy things with that information.