What You Eat Affects Your Kids and Grandkids

This week’s news is that what you eat before and during pregnancy affects the health of not just your children but also your grandchildren. If you eat a fatty (presumably hydrogenated vegetable oils, although they did not explicitly state that) diet, even if your daughter eats healthy, your grandchildren are still statistically more likely to suffer from disease.
This may be the why the current rapid rise in cancer rates. Two generations ago wholesale consumption of highly processed and frozen foods kicked off. We may only now be learning the high price of convenience.
New Scientist says “…a fatty diet may cause… …DNA modifications that can be passed on to future generations.” http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/05/11/rats-on-junk-food-pass-cancer-down-the-generations.aspx?aid=CD532