Tom’s Blog



Covid Jab Recovery Protocol


I was not going to give an introduction to me. After all, I am not the important piece of the jigsaw puzzle, you and what it takes to detox you are the two most important pieces of it. But I ran the first draft of this article past a couple of practitioners and was advised to. So here goes.

My name is Tom Grimshaw. I am a health food manufacturer, author, father, grandfather and someone passionately interested in helping people do better.

When people are not doing well I consider it my responsibility to do what I can to help them get on top of that situation.

Many moons ago now I failed year ten in school but went back and did my HSC and have pretty much never stopped studying ever since. I love learning and sharing what I have learned. So much so that I have written a 1,450+ page book on how to live the healthiest life.

In the interest of full disclosure I have no formal medical or nutrition training but I did have a Kiwi in the food business visit me once and after we’d been talking a while he said, “You’re a national living treasure! I’ve had three food manufacturing businesses and you know more about food and the effect it has on the body than anybody I’ve ever met!”

Alas I fear that compliment is far more a damning indictment of our general lack of knowledge than a valid testimony of my expertise as I feel I am just scratching the surface of the subject.

So when Covid reared its ugly head I paid attention. Most specifically to the unscientific and illogical (if you measure logic according to that which enables you and others to better survive) response to Covid from the medical autocracy and the government.

At first I thought I should gather the data and provide evidence that the response was never about health it was always about creating a climate of fear to force people into doing things that, if they had time and all the data, they would not do. Well I did what I think was a pretty good job of it but my effort and the effort of lots of other like minded people, were insufficient to counter the onslaught of main stream media fear porn and government coercion.

Too little distribution of the truth too late to make a difference for the majority. More’s the pity.

Hence, a lot of people have been jabbed with an experimental, toxic cocktail that independent doctors with courage and integrity said even before it was available was going to cause far more harm than good. Those doctors were right. If you are at all active on social media you have probably seen the videos of the vaccine injured telling their stories.

Based on the data I have seen from those and other medical researchers and scientists, the content of the Covid jab harms as many as 40 different human systems.

So, in my humble opinion, expecting one, a dozen or even 100 ingredients to undo that damage is wildly optimistic! I am yet to be convinced that a vaccinated person will ever undo all the damage and fully regain their health, if only because I know of no way to undo the harm caused by aborted fetal cell tissue in vaccines contributing to autoimmune diseases. Hopefully more data will emerge sooner rather than later to give me more optimism.

Despite that, I have been collecting what data I can from various informed sources. As of writing this (November 2021) it is still very early in the remediation game. By actual government agency reports, tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injury reports have been filed in the US, European and Australian vaccine adverse event reporting systems post COVID shots. A Harvard University study acknowledged the under reporting in those systems. They put received reports as low as 1% of the adverse events actually experienced. This puts the actual deaths into the hundreds of thousands and the injuries into the millions. This is a mind boggling failure of the duty of care of the bodies in charge of public health and safety.

The medical autocrats, the government and media are still pushing the lie that the vaccines are safe and effective and still denying the vaccines cause the damage they do despite advising us hospitals are overwhelmed with new admissions and sacking nurses for refusing the jab! All the while front line medical workers are risking their jobs to speak out about the vaccine injuries.

At this vstage of the game only one of my sources can provide clinical trial evidence to support the efficacy of the below listed ingredients from which this protocol is crafted although some practitioners using portions of this protocol have reported successes in the alleviation of symptoms. Heck! The authorities are still denying the presence of graphene oxide and pollutants in the injections! So please discuss this data with your primary health care provider to work out which, if any of these detoxifying agents and nutrients are indicated and recommended for your body.

In ten years time we may have a clinically tested and thoroughly effective protocol to help the body repair the vaccine damage or the vaccines may have been abandoned or as they have for nearly 200 years, they may still be being pushed with the medical cartel still denying they cause harm. Time will tell. But I am not going to wait till then to share what I would do to as best I could help my body to recover.

Addition 23 January 2024 ----------------------------

Last month I watched a video of Dr Peter McCullough wherein he detailed his McCullough Protocol Base Spike Protein Detoxification and advised it was ’the only published method offering hope of elimination of Spike protein from the body as the root cause’.

This is key as the spike protein has subsequently been identified as a major source of not all but many of the ills people suffer post COVID or post COVID jab.

Interestingly enough, the ingredients in the McCullough Protocol Base Spike Protein Detoxification:

  • Dandelion Extract
  • Nigella
  • Curcumin from Turmeric
  • Irish Moss
  • Bromelain
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Nattokinase
  • Pepper
  • Selenium

were listed in my protocol, as were many others, from very early on.

I had never sought to profit from the pain or sickness of others so I just made this protocol available for free.

But just recently, someone close to me was experiencing issues (pulmonary embolism, mental fog, tiredness, muscle weakness) many attribute as symptoms of the jab and I was no longer feeling 195 percent, as I usually do.

After watching the video above and hearing about the shedding of spike protein from the Covid jabbed to the unjabbed and reading this:  ’What We’ve Learned from Hundreds of Vaccine Shedding Reports’
Unraveling the Mysteries of mRNA Vaccine Shedding

I figured I needed to do something.

So I took as many of the ingredients in this Protocol of mine as I could and created an Anti-Spike Blend:

(Further update 23 January 2024 ----------------------------

Saw this alternative protocol from The Truth About Cancer:

Addition 22 June 2024 ----------------------------

Groundbreaking Study Discovers ’Off-Switch’ for mRNA COVID-19 Injections “The longevity of the encapsulated mRNA along with unlimited production of the damaging and potentially lethal Spike (S) protein call for strategies to mitigate potential adverse effects,” the study’s abstract declares. Dr. McCullough’s proposed solution—targeting and degrading residual vaccine mRNA—could prevent uncontrolled spike protein production and reduce toxicity.

With Moderna’s mRNA vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus and influenza now approved, the urgency for an “off switch” becomes even more pressing.

McCullough warns, “Without any way to turn off the messenger RNA, we think every single messenger RNA shot, because it’s been made synthetic and resistant to human breakdown, is going to make people progressively sick. We have to find a way to get this out of the body.”

Finish reading:

Addition 27 July 2024 ----------------------------

A Fibrinolytic Diet: A Potential Adjunct Therapeutic to Ameliorate Spike Protein-Induced Microclots

(Fibrin is a fibrous protein involved in the clotting of blood.

Fibrinolytic therapy — or thrombolytic therapy — is an emergency treatment used to dissolve blood clots before they become fatal.

Adjunct Therapeutic: a thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part.

Ameliorate: to make a bad or unpleasant situation better.)

Of all the stars in the pathological firmament of COVID, Fibrin(ogen) may be the brightest. In particular, the Spike Protein itself induces large, fibrin-amyloid clots, which are difficult to degrade. Why? Because the Spike Protein, in tandem with inducing the clots, also downregulates the body’s natural mechanisms for degrading the clots. Many foods assist in breaking down Fibrin(ogen), a major factor in COVID/Spike Protein-induced microclots.

(amyloid: a waxy translucent substance consisting primarily of protein that is deposited in some animal organs and tissues under abnormal conditions (such as Alzheimer’s disease))

The mentioned foods are Garlic, Ginger, Gingko Biloba, Onion, Pineapple, Natto.

The above is a work of medical research and not medical advice. Please feel free to share this with your Primary Care Provider, should you wish to use the article as therapeutic guidance.

(Tom: I read this article and as a result have added some of these to my Anti-Spike Blend.)

(End of added content)

It might just be a good idea to print out this article and put it in your medicine cabinet in case you or somebody you care about needs it and you want to lay your hands on it quickly. At the rate honest medicos are censored and silenced and true information is being suppressed and deleted at present and I have heard opinions that our free access to information via the internet is a thorn in the side of those who would suppress us so they will continue to up the ante so we cannot be certain that this data will still be online when you need it!


When we are sick we just want to get well, quickly. We want a quick fix, a “shock and awe” attack on that which ails us. (That’s the attraction of drugs and vaccines. Unfortunately the average medical drug has 75 side-effects, one of which is death.)

A war leaves a lot of spent munitions, deep holes, piles of rubble and dead bodies around the landscape. Similarly, a rapidly killing a lot of pathogens in the body with a powerful detox leaves lots of debris that needs to be cleared. If the body is not well nourished and its transport pipes and elimination channels are blocked (as with kidney, liver, gall and bladder stones) or restricted (as in fecal matter build up in the small and large intestines or cholesterol build up in the arteries) flooding these channels with lots of dead pathogens, heavy metals and other detox debris to eliminate is very likely to overload them leading to further pressure on the body and distress for its owner.

Therefore the logical strategy is to:
1. Improve the nourishment,
2. Clean the pipes (prior to rapidly and majorly increasing the load on them, hence the inclusion of the links to Hulda Clark’s cleansing regimes and the sequence in the protocol prior to major chelating and detoxing actions),
3. Detox,
4. Regenerate.

Having said that, if you have urgent specific issues you may be well advised to address those promptly. For instance if I had arterial plaque I would not wait before starting on 5 grams of lecithin a day.

If I had blood clots I would not waste a moment before getting some Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase and Nattokinase and starting to dissolve the clots. (Canadian GP Dr Bothe found 62% of his patients had clots post jab.)

If I had chest pains or diagnosed myocarditis or pericarditis I would take Dr Ian Brighthope’s advice and instantly and radically up my vitamin C intake and/or hit up a doctor for some intravenous vitamin C as soon as I could. (Links to organisations who can refer you to a practitioner who will administer intravenous vitamin C in Appendix C to this article.)

This is why your individual circumstances are best evaluated by a nutritionally experienced primary care physician after a thorough exam and potentially a battery of tests. If your allopathic doctor won’t do it I suggest finding a naturopath or homeopath who will.


I have heard the opinion that you have to address every single component of the jab liquid. I concur. So, what’s in the jab that needs to be addressed?

  • 0 SARS Covid-19 Virus
  • 1 Spike Protein
  • 2 mRNA (Operating System that instructs your cells to make spike protein)
  • 3 Graphene Oxide (super conductive)
  • 4 Metals (mercury and other heavy metals)
  • 5 Fungus genetically linked to insect genetically linked to silicone based life form
  • 6 Genetic insects linked with AI components, a silicone based life form
  • 7 Hydra vulgaris, highly persistent living parasite found in the jab liquid
  • 8 Aborted fetal cells
  • 9 Other unspecified pollutants and contaminants


  • 0 Minimize harm from virus (as it can’t be killed)
  • 1 Reduce ability of virus to enter cells and replicate
  • 2 Disable the Operating System
  • 3 Chelate and eliminate
  • 4 Chelate and eliminate
  • 5 Kill and eliminate
  • 6 Kill and eliminate
  • 7 Kill and eliminate
  • 8 Solution yet to be determined
  • 9 Chelate and eliminate


I share the following not to frighten or disturb but for two reasons. One is to illustrate the potential harm from inaction. The second is to give you the correct order of magnitude of the response required. If you misestimate the amount of effort required you will not accomplish your desired result. It is no good trying to open a heavy safe door by exerting the same force that you would use to open a fly wire door. Zero progress would be made.

Similarly, detoxing from an injected gene altering therapy is not the same order of magnitude as detoxing after a weekend of bad eating or a night on the town! The more numerous and severe the symptoms, the stricter you need to adhere to the healing regime and the longer the detox process may take.

A wide range of problems have been reported post jab. One medical opinion I heard was that the toxic elements of the jab appear to cause the most harm to the weakest area of the body. One doctor commented that the jab was the equivalent of taking a sledgehammer to the immune system. Another said the first jab lowers the immune system by 15% and the second by 35%. Subsequent analysis of post jab infections computed a reduction in the immune system in the order of 5% a week.

One doctor has identified 40 different human systems the gene therapy harms.

Classes of problems experienced post jab include:

  • Cardiovascular (blood clots and inflammothrombiotic response)
  • Systemic Inflammation (response to spike protein)
  • Neurological (headaches, amyloid plaque build up in brain, uncontrollable shaking, paralysis, Bell’s Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease etc.)
  • Hormonal Disruptions
  • Mental (reports of brain fog, unable to string words together, feeling worse, detached, not in present time)
  • Reproductive (huge number of reports of heavy periods, menstruation post menopause, unusual bleeding, even from people just in contact with the jabbed)
  • Declined Fertility
  • Miscarriages and Stillbirths
  • Gastrointestinal (stomach pains)
  • Immunological (the shot suppresses the innate immune system - the production of type 1 interferon and the white blood cells that are the first line of defense against cancer and autoimmmune disorders. This is resulting in an explosion of what medical professionals are calling Turbo-cancers.)
  • Cellular biology (spike protein harming DNA)
  • Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) refers to a condition where the vaccination augments your risk of serious infection. We are now starting to see evidence that ADE is occurring in the vaccinated population.
  • Water retention
  • Reduction of crystalline water and zeta potential


The body is an incredibly complex, self healing miracle that will keep running for a while on a variety of fuels of vastly different quality levels. The less stress you experience and the less toxins you ingest, the cleaner the air you breathe, the purer the water you drink and the more nutritious is the food you ingest, the healthier is the body and the more able it is to maintain and repair itself. Hence:

  • 1. Stop doing anything which harms your body and start nourishing it at a much higher level.
  • 2. Unblock and clean out the elimination pathways in the body.
  • 3. Cleanse the body of toxins (drugs, heavy metals, parasites, fungi etc.). After which it will be far better able to heal itself.
  • 4. Provide the body with those nutrients that enable it to attain the goals listed above for each identified vector of harm.
  • 5. Purity, Density, Diversity is a mantra I have had in Healthelicious for some time. A word regarding Diversity. Nature is very synergistic. Often times the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. For instance chicken and broccoli eaten together yield 13 times the anti-cancer benefit of each on their own. A keen eye will note the protocol has several ingredients in it that are powerful heavy metal chelators (to chelate means to grab on to something, from the Greek for claw), EDTA, Zeolite, Carbon 60 and activated charcoal. Why attack the heavy metals from so many angles? The reason clinical trials are done is to determine HOW efficacious is something. It is almost never 100% good or 100% bad. My theory is that one ingredient might do a better job for one person whereas the person next to them might be better served by a different ingredient. And ingredient A might be good for chelating one heavy metal and ingredient B be good for another. (This is actually the case.) Hence the multi-pronged approach.


My daughter once replied to one of her friends who was surprised at something I had accomplished, “You know my dad. He never does anything half arsed!” Despite that lovely compliment and the number of different elements and nutrients in this regime I feel this is very much not yet even a work in progress but merely a beginning salvo in what I predict will be a protracted war against the elements causing vaccine injuries.

Not everyone has the patience, discipline, time and/or money to throw everything at the problem and fasting may not be appropriate for all and some actions should be done before others so I have arranged the elements of the protocol in what I feel would be the most optimal sequence. Even if you have zero dollars to spare at present, doing at least the first 5 steps will be of assistance.

If you can afford it but are reluctant to spend the money required to do as I would, throw everything at it including the kitchen sink, I would remind you that even the sum cost of the ingredients in the full protocol is probably cheaper than a funeral and as the old saying goes, you can’t take it with you!

If you can’t face doing the whole enchilada, start with what you can confront.
If you do not have the time or money to do each of the first 14 steps, do what you can.
Doing something is far better than doing nothing.
I am a great believer is starting. That’s often the hardest part.
Then continue towards your goal.
Do what you can from where you are with what you’ve got.


  • A Read through the full protocol and Appendices 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7.
  • B Do steps 1, 2 and 3 of the Protocol including discussing the Protocol with your primary care practitioner and deciding what steps of it you you will do.
  • C Order enough of the items you will need for the Protocol for a period of 6-12 weeks. At least those listed in Appendices 1 and 2.
  • D Continue the Protocol from Step 4 as far as you wish until you are done, tracking what you do in the Protocol Progress Tracker.
  • E Review the results with your primary health care practitioner. This may involve blood or other tests and scans.
  • F Continue (or not) according to your progress and the advice of your practitioner.
  • G Send the feedback of the results you obtained with the Protocol to or Tom Grimshaw PO Box 470 Glebe NSW 2037 Australia.


Based on the above rationale I have arranged the actions in the sequence I would use.


Look at the Covid Pre-Jab Protocol at and discuss with your primary health care provider what of it you will implement.


Make the decision that you will do what it takes to heal the body. Not what you find easy, comfortable or convenient but what it takes. That’s what winners do and this is a game you want to win!

Anything positive you intend to accomplish will meet with counter intention from that part of the mind created to stop you. “It’s all too hard.” “It will take too much time.” “That all requires too much effort.” Any time that happens just push that to one side and say to your self, “I intend to get better.” and do what it takes to attain your target.

Many years ago I learned the principle that it was best to work backwards when you wanted to organize something. First work out what was the desired product. In this case, minimized harm or optimally, a well body. Then work out what needed to be done to accomplish that product. (This protocol is my effort in that direction.) Lastly, become the person capable of doing what is required.

So if you finish reading this protocol and think to yourself, “I could never do that!” firstly, that is a great big FLUNK! for invalidating yourself and secondly, OK, that’s where you were yesterday. You CAN change! What decision do you have to make or what beingness do you have to adopt to be able to do it? It could be as simple as just saying to yourself, “OK. I accept that flunk for self-invalidation. I won’t do it again. From now on I will be a better coach to myself and just keep saying, ’You got this, you CAN do it!’”

You didn’t think of yourself as a coach, did you? I am certain a major cause of lack of success is that most people are a far more effective critic of themselves than they are a coach! We need to fix that.


If you are a hole the first thing to do is stop digging.
If I were smoking, I’d stop.
If I drank alcohol, I’d stop.
If I did recreational drugs, I’d stop.
If I were on pain medication, I would find a nutritional alternative and stop the drugs.
If I were on psychotropic medication I would find a practitioner with a track record of helping people get off them and wean off them.
If I were listening to the radio news, watching the TV or reading the papers I’d stop.
If I had a negative relative, friend or coworker after whom conversing with I felt worse, I’d at least figure out a way not to be adversely affected by them or, if not, stop communicating with them.
In other words stop poisoning your body and mind.

To this end if finances permitted you could look at getting a water filter that removes fluoride, a home air filter (saw one at, at least a personal if not a whole home device to protect from EMF radiation, known to have a big effect on graphene oxide in the body.

Avoid all vegetable oils and processed foods. Focus on certified-organic foods to minimize your glyphosate exposure, and include plenty of sulfur-rich foods to keep your mitochondria and lysosomes healthy. Both are important for the clearing of cellular debris, including these spike proteins. You can also boost your sulfate by taking Epsom salt baths.


Life is a team activity. The reason nurses exist is to help people recover. Often people cannot recover on their own. The are dispersed and distracted by their illness/injury and can easily forget or feel disinclined to so don’t, eat, take medication, exercise etc. Some elements of this protocol are tough to confront doing or even start let alone maintain, like a fast, and are perhaps best done under the supervision of a medical practitioner with a proven track record of helping people heal their body. So pick a person to be your mentor or at least coach as you go through this protocol. This will vastly increase your chances of successfully completing it.


You’ve already found that most of the magic in medicine’s magic pills is Big Pharma’s profit. The side effects are far from pleasant let alone magical. In health, as in business, spectacular results are often preceded by lots of mundane effort. Work diligently to establish the best baseline for your progress towards recovering your health. For me this includes the following. But don’t wait until you have all these ducks in a row before proceeding with the rest of the protocol. Do what you can, where you are with what you’ve got.

  • Adequate sleep
  • Fresh air
  • Sunlight
  • Pure water
  • Good diet
  • Exercise (light to moderate if you are sedentary) Minimum 20 minutes walking a day
  • Positive thinking
  • Grounding
  • Infrared Light
  • Socialising
  • Relaxation
  • Zero stress

Clinical evidence to support the above received 2 August 2024.

A new paper confirms one of my early (2021) publications and provides concrete recommendations. by Walter M Chesnut

The good news for us today, is that we have specific, concrete recommendations as to what those healthy living guidelines are to protect us from COVID, and to a certain degree, the Spike Protein. Here they are:

  • four drinks or less per week of alcohol
  • 150 min/week moderate or 75 min/week vigorous of physical activity
  • 400 grams a day of fruit and vegetable intake
  • less than 4 hours a day sedentary time
  • 7-9 hours a night sleep
  • 1 or more portions a week of oily fish
  • 3 or less portions a week of red meat
  • 1 or less portions a week of processed meat

Modifiable lifestyle factors and the risk of post-COVID-19 multisystem sequelae, hospitalization, and death.

(A sequela is a pathological condition resulting from a disease, injury, therapy, or other trauma. Derived from the Latin word meaning “sequel”, it is used in the medical field to mean a complication or condition following a prior illness or disease.)


Read this: In this series, I have attempted to explain the vital importance of liquid crystalline water and zeta potential throughout the body—something I have greatly emphasized since I recognized that their disruption appears to be a key component of spike protein vaccine injuries. One of the most common questions I, in turn, receive is, “What can be done to fix this?”
From: then implement the techniques therein.


Start on Level 1 Supplements as listed in Appendix 1. As a matter of high priority, even prior to the cleanses, I would want to handle the blood clotting and the spike protein getting into my cells and replicating and the graphene oxide.


A bath (soak and scrub) in warm water containing the following:

  • Baking Soda 1 or 2 cups
  • Bentonite Clay 1/2 cup
  • Borax 1 cup
  • Epsom Salts 1 or 2 cups


Do every three weeks to short circuit the 4 week parasite reproductive cycle:
Parasite cleanse (conditional target to liver/gall bladder cleanse) (If you have access to Ivermectin you would find that a lot more convenient.)
Kidney cleanse (conditional target to liver/gall bladder cleanse)
Liver/gall bladder cleanse To soften stones, do every three weeks.
Every fourth time do a four day protocol


Start on at least Level 2 Supplements (Appendix 2) preferably Level 3 (Appendix 3).
Most of the items on the Level 2 list are recommended as a basic protocol by several medicos.
Except for the Zinc and Melatonin, take the supplements in the morning with first mouthful of Super Nutrition Smoothie.
Take the Zinc and Melatonin just before bed.


First thing in morning and last thing at night take an elimination mix comprised of:

  • Activated Charcoal
  • Bentonite Clay
  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Zeolite


Start with 1 drop before bed for three days 5% solution.
Next three days do 1 drop morning and night.
Then maintenance dose 1 drop three times a day.

After exposure to vaxxed or if blood pressure drops or body temperature drop to 94.7 degrees indicates severely infested, take a max of 25 drops a day.


Jim Humble’s MMS Protocol 1000 plus DMSO twice daily. (MMS and anti-oxidants should not be taken at the same time.)


5 grams Sunflower Lecithin
10 grams Vitamin C
(any other nutrients from the supplement list that are in powder form and OK to be taken with food can be added here)


Dr Stephanie Seneff found that the countries that use Glyphosate had distinctly higher Covid death rates. Biome Medic detoxes the body from Glyphosate. It has three ingredients, a prebiotic, Humic/Fulvic Acid and Lactobaillus Sporogenes.


(In earlier versions I included Shikimic Acid here but Dr Judy Mikovits advises against it as being potentially dangerous and inappropriate for Covid.)

In simple terms, when a cell becomes stressed (by physical or chemical shock or by viral, bacterial or fungal attack) its energy levels are reduced and it becomes electro-positive. Ozone has a free radical electrical charge in the third atom of oxygen (O3) which is able to balance this unbalanced charge. Diseased cells, viruses, harmful bacteria and other pathogens carry such a charge and so attract ozone and its by-products.

When ozone is introduced into the blood, it reacts with these oxidisable substrates killing viruses, bacteria, and fungi. In addition, the metabolic waste products of these organisms are oxidized and an oxygen rich environment is provided within which healthy cells can thrive. Normal healthy cells can not react with ozone or its by-products as they possess a balanced electrical charge and strong enzyme system.

Ozone disrupts the integrity of bacterial cell wall through oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins. It also damages viral capsid and upsets reproductive cycle by disrupting virus-to-cell contact.

Ozone stimulates the production of interferon 4-9 times the normal level. It also stimulates the production of interleukins mainly Interleukin-2. In addition ozone stimulates the production of Tumour necrosis factor (TNF).

You can do an internet search for ozone creams and find quite a few suppliers. If your condition is extreme also look up ozone therapy clinics. In the USA visit


CAUTION: The worse your health is the more important that this step is supervised by a health care practitioner experienced in fasting supervision.

Because the body spends its resources repairing when it is not digesting, minimally, I would engage in intermittent fasting. More beneficial would be a 72 hour fast. Optimal would be a 1 week, water only fast. Even after doing a one week water fast I would (as I do now) intermittent fast. I typically get at least 14 hours between dinner and breakfast.

Optimal: Water only fasting (for 1 week) has been shown to repair DNA damage and silence foreign mRNA.
Second best: I have heard that a 48 to 72 hour fast completely reboots the immune system.
Third best: Intermittent fasting (as long a period between last meal at night and first meal next day) is beneficial. If you can get your eating window down to 8 hours a day, that is a good first target.

To combat the toxicity of the spike protein, you’ll want to optimize autophagy, which may help digest and remove the spike proteins. Time-restricted eating will upregulate autophagy, while sauna therapy, which upregulates heat shock proteins, will help refold misfolded proteins and also tag damaged proteins and target them for removal. It is important that your sauna is hot enough (around 170 degrees Fahrenheit) and does not have high magnetic or electric fields.

17 Either Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’s (FLCCC) post-jab injury protocol or Dr Richard Fleming’s Post Covid Jab Protocol

I have left these till last, not because I think they are necessarily the least important but because these are drug protocols, the most expensive and not many will want to drop over US$3,000 on it, especially if the above works. Rather than repeating them verbatim, here is the link to the FLCCC protocol: and Dr Fleming’s protocol: If that link no longer works I have also saved it to my site at:


Most importantly, please share this broadly. Especially to nutritionally competent health care professionals. It may save them some time or they may get back to me with some suggestions to expand or improve the protocol.

If you have a question or if you find it benefits you, please drop me a line at:

Appendix 1 - Level 1 Supplements List

  • MMS
  • Transdermal EDTA cream
  • Glutathione 4-8 capsules a day of GSH
  • Grape Seed Extract 300-600 mg
  • Lumbrokinase per label or practitioner instructions
  • Nattokinase per label or practitioner instructions
  • Serrapeptase per label or practitioner instructions
  • Xylitol up to 8 grams per Now Foods label

(Serrapeptase and Lumbrokinase are best taken away from food, not with.)

Appendix 2 - Level 2 Supplements List and Amounts

All supplements listed in Appendix 1 plus:

  • Echinacea 300 mg twice a day
  • Magnesium Chloride/Citrate At least 500 mg
  • Melatonin 3 mg last thing at night with the zinc
  • Selenium 200 mcg (One mineral extremely dangerous to overdose on. Safest way is a few fresh Brazil nuts each day)
  • Zinc 30 mg Last thing at night with a glass of water
  • Vitamin A 25,000 IU
  • Vitamin B 2 multi caps/tablets
  • Vitamin C Raise to at least 10,000 mg using bowel tolerance. Try a gram every two hours.
  • Vitamin D3 50,000 IU
  • Vitamin E 800 IU (women) 1200 IU (men)
  • Vitamin K2 120 mcg

Appendix 3 - Full List of Ingredients in The Complete Protocol and A Source For Each

To save you looking all over the place for a supplier for each of these items I have listed at least one supplier for each where I know of one. (In the interest of full transparency, from two suppliers, iHerb and Provizion, I make a referral commission if you buy from the links below. And obviously if you purchase products from me, I profit from the sale of those too.)

In alphabetical order of item.

Activated Charcoal^ email or
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Apple Pectin
Bacillus Coagulans
Baking Soda^ Supermarket
Bentonite Clay^ email or
Biome Medic
Bromelain Internet search or blend the hard centre core of a pineapple that you normally do not eat
Supercharged Carbon 60^ email
Chaste Tree Berry
Chlorella Supermarket
Cilantro Supermarket
Colloidal Silver^ email or call Fulhealth Industries on Gold Coast
Cranberry Juice Supermarket
Dandelion Tea
Diatomaceous Earth
Digestive Enzymes
EDTA transdermal cream Do an internet search for “transdermal edta cream”.
Elderberry/Tea Supermarket
Epsom Salts^ email or or supermarket
Fish Oil Coles often have Blackmores on special at half price (in Australia)
Fulvic Acid Minerals
Gingko Biloba
Grape Seed Extract
Green Tea Supermarket
Hemp Extract
Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade from chemist
Hydroxychloroquine Practitioner or use recipe in bibliography
Iodine per label directions
L Arginine
L Lysine
Liquorice Root
Magnesium Chloride/Citrate or
N-Acetyl Cysteine
Nattokinase or
Niacin (not niacinamide)
Nigella (black cumin)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Fish oil, Flax seeds, Chia seeds at supermarket
Phosphoric acid
Proteolytic enzymes
Prunella Vulgaris
Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)
Quercetin or
Silymarin (From pine needle tea or milk thistle)
Sweet Wormwood#
Sodium Bicarbonate Supermarket
Turmeric Supermarket
Vitamin A
Vitamin B (Multi)
Vitamin B1
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
Vitamin K2
Wasabi Supermarket
Zeolite^ email

^ The cost of freight being what it is, for these items rather than get them through me it would probably be more economical for you to procure them locally if you live other than in Australia and New Zealand.


Because Zinc interferes with the absorption of other nutrients and vice versa and the components of the mud pack can prevent the uptake of nutrients and MMS should not be taken at the same time as anti-oxidants and water intake should be kept up to flush the toxins but not taken with food to allow the enzymes to take effect and the intake of vitamin C should be throughout the day rather than all at once, here is a sample schedule that accommodates these factors.

Again, please discuss this with your primary health care provider to determine what is best for your body.

  • 7:00 am Glass of room temperature water with the juice of half a lemon
  • 7:01 am Stretches and mild to moderate exercise
  • 7:30 am Toxin Elimination Mix and glass of water
  • 8:00 am MMS, DMSO and glass of water
  • 8:20 am Morning Pill Pack, iodine, mouthful of Super Nutrition Smoothie and breakfast
  • 9:30 am Glass of cranberry juice
  • 10:00 am 2 Glutathione capsules, glass of water
  • 10:30 am Mouthful of Super Nutrition Smoothie
  • 11:00 am Cup of Elderberry Tea
  • 12:10 pm Dandelion Tea and digestive enzyme capsule
  • 12:30 pm Mouthful of Super Nutrition Smoothie, 2 Glutathione capsules, iodine and lunch
  • 1:30 pm Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase, glass of water
  • 2:15 am Glass of cranberry juice
  • 3:00 pm Mouthful of Super Nutrition Smoothie and afternoon tea
  • 4:00 pm Cup of Green Tea
  • 4:30 pm Mouthful of Super Nutrition Smoothie
  • 5:30 pm Dandelion Tea
  • 6:20 pm Mouthful of Super Nutrition Smoothie, Echinacea, iodine and dinner
  • 8:00 pm MMS, DMSO and half glass of water
  • 9:00 pm Toxin Elimination Mix
  • 10:00 pm Quercetin, Zinc, Melatonin and Vit C

Appendix 5 - Source of High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C

To find a practitioner who can administer High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C in Australia, go to either: The Australasian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine or Australasian Integrative Medicine Association

Appendix 6 - Bibliography

Appendix 7 - Disclaimer

The information contained in this document is for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. The information is offered only in order to empower individuals and is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (in the USA) or the TGA (in Australia). The reader understands that the author is neither a medical practitioner nor engaged in rendering health or medical advice or services. Any treatment protocol you undertake should be discussed with your physician or other licensed medical professional. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to your specific situation. Do not stop or change your medications without consulting your physician. If you are having an emergency, contact your local emergency services. The person receiving this information assumes any and all liability for how it is used and understands that what they do or not do with the information is fully their decision. The person receiving, accepting, and/or using this information agrees to fully release Tom Grimshaw and any other person providing this information and those from whom it was sourced from any and all liability.

Appendix 8 - Protocol Progress Tracker

(I recommend you cut and paste this to a text editor or print it out, whichever is more convenient for you and complete it as you progress through your chosen steps.)

---------- Protocol Progress Tracker ----------

Protocol Follower:
Date of Birth:
Practitioner Name and Contact Details:
Date Commenced Protocol:
If Deceased, Date of Death:
Cause of Death:
Symptoms Noted At Start (With degree of severity):

Protocol Element           Date Started    Date Ended    Number of Days Used

  • Activated Charcoal
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Apple Pectin
  • Ashwagandha
  • Astaxanthin
  • Astragalus

  • Bacillus Coagulans
  • Baking Soda
  • Bentonite Clay
  • Biome Medic
  • Borax
  • Supercharged Carbon 60
  • Chaste Tree Berry
  • Chlorella
  • Cilantro
  • Colloidal Silver
  • CoQ10
  • Cranberry Juice
  • Dandelion Tea
  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Digestive Enzymes
  • DMSO
  • Echinacea
  • EDTA transdermal cream
  • Elderberry Tea
  • Epsom Salts
  • Fish Oil
  • Fulvic Acid Minerals
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Glutathione
  • Grape Seed Extract
  • Green Tea
  • Hemp Extract
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Hydroxychloroquine
  • Iodine
  • Ivermectin
  • L Arginine
  • L Lysine
  • Lecithin
  • Liquorice Root
  • Lumbrokinase
  • Magnesium Chloride/Citrate/Glycinate
  • Melatonin
  • MMS
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine
  • Nattokinase
  • Niacin (not niacinamide)
  • Nigella (black cumin or black seed)
  • Onion
  • Probiotics
  • Proteolytic enzymes
  • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)
  • Quercetin
  • Quinine
  • Selenium
  • Serrapeptase
  • Silymarin
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
  • Sweet Wormwood
  • Taurine
  • Turmeric
  • Ubiquinol
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K2
  • Wasabe
  • Xylitol
  • Zeolite
  • Zinc

Other Elements Employed:

Progress Report End of Week 1:

Progress Report End of Week 2:

Progress Report End of Week 3:

Progress Report End of Week 4:

Progress Report End of Week 5:

Progress Report End of Week 6:

Symptoms Noted At 6 Weeks on Protocol (With degree of severity):


Appendix 9 - More Data On Ingredients

To make one cup of elderberry tea, add one teaspoon of dried elderberries to one and a quarter cups of water and simmer for 20 minutes to release the beneficial contents, add some cinnamon to flavour or turmeric to boost the anti-inflammatory effects, let cool to drinking temperature and enjoy. From:

Natural Alternatives to Ivermectin
These items have anti-viral properties as does Ivermectin: Elderberries, Quercetin and Zinc (best taken together), EGCG from Green Tea, Melatonin, Turmeric, Nigella or Black Seed Oil.
Ivermectin has Anti-inflammatory properties, as does: Vitamin D3, Elderberries, Quercetin, EGCG from Green Tea, Melatonin, Turmeric, Nigella or Black Seed Oil.
Ivermectin’s anti-coagulant properties can also be found in N Acetyl Cycteine, Quercetin, Vitamin D3, Lumbrokinase, Nattokinase and Serrapeptase.

How to Create Your Own MMS

I saw a video interview of Dr Mark Sircus by Maria Zeee at

In it Mark mentioned the value of MMS in helping him get over Covid and the value of it in purfying the blood and gave instructions on how to make your own MMS:

Procure two food grade ingredients:

  • Sodium Chlorite
  • Hydrochloric Acid

as well as:

  • a shot glass
  • a glass Mason jar
  • purified water

Take a glass Mason jar and put sufficient purified water to not go over the top of the shot glass when inserted.
Put 5 ml of Sodium Chloride and 5 ml of Hydrochloric Acid in the shot glass.
Fill the shot glass nearly to the top with water.
Put the shot glass in the glass Mason jar and screw the lid closed.
The Sodium Chloride and Hydrochloric Acid will create a gas that permeates the water in the mason jar. This water is what you drink.

Appendix 10 - Medical Biomarkers For Your Doctor

Based on a study out of Arizona, the biomarker for early death from Covid jabs is elevated blood levels of the enzyme secretory Phospholipase A2.

Vitamin C is the known reducer of those markers.

From Dr Brian Ardis presentation on Unbreakable - Destined to Thrive Reloaded.

Appendix 11 - Which For What

Self Assembling Nanoparticles

Adding this to eliminating the nanoparticle metals and stopping the polymerization process of self assembly nanoparticle via EDTA, combined with Vitamin C and Malic Acid could be a useful adjunct in helping affected individuals. I continue to use Methylene Blue with good clinical results and essential oils like Lemon, Cinnamon and Grapefruit. None of the suggested therapies completely clear the blood from all the self assembly nanotechnology and micro robots due to the extreme contamination - but the combination makes a huge improving and hopeful difference.

Zeolite, fulvic acid minerals.

Spike Protein
Some “Protein Binding Inhibitors” inhibit the binding of the spike protein to human cells, while others neutralize the spike protein so that it can no longer cause damage to human cells.

Spike Protein Inhibitors: Prunella vulgaris, pine needles, emodin, neem, dandelion leaf extract, ivermectin.

Spike Protein Neutralizers: N-acetylcysteine (NAC), glutathione, fennel tea, star anise tea, pine needle tea, St. John’s wort, comfrey leaf, vitamin C.

Ivermectin has been shown to bind to the spike protein, potentially rendering it ineffective in binding to the cell membrane.

Several plants found in nature, including pine needles, fennel, star anise, St. John’s wort, and comfrey leaf, contain a substance called shikimic acid, which may help to neutralize the spike protein. Shikimic acid may help to reduce several possible damaging effects of the spike protein, and is believed to counteract blood clot formation. COQ10 reduces inflammation and Alpha Lipoic Acid corrects Redox harm.

Regular oral doses of vitamin C are useful in neutralizing any toxin.

Pine needle tea has powerful antioxidant effects and contain high concentrations of vitamin C.

What is the ACE2 receptor?
The ACE2 receptor is located in the cell wall, in lung and blood vessel linings, and in platelets. Spike protein attaches to ACE2 receptors.

It has been proposed that large concentrations of spike protein may bind to our ACE2 receptors and effectively ’sit there’, blocking the regular functioning of these receptors in various tissues. The disruption of these receptors has been associated with a multitude of adverse effects through altered tissue functioning.

If spike proteins bind to the cell wall and ’stay put’, they could trigger the immune system to attack healthy cells and possibly trigger autoimmune disease.

The spike protein could attach to ACE2 receptors located on blood platelets and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels, which may lead to abnormal bleeding or clotting, both of which are linked to Vaccine-induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).

Substances that naturally protect the ACE2 receptors:

Hydroxychloroquine (with zinc)
Quercetin (with zinc)

Evidence suggests the binding of ivermectin to the ACE2 receptor prevents the spike protein from binding with it instead.

What is furin?
Furin is an enzyme, which cleaves proteins and makes them biologically activate.

Why target furin?
Furin has been shown to separate the spike protein and thus allow the virus to enter human cells.

A furin cleavage site is present on the Covid spike protein, which is thought to make the virus more infectious and transmissible.

Furin inhibitors work by preventing cleavage of the spike protein.

Substances that naturally inhibit furin:

Rutin (a plant pigment, or bioflavonoid, found naturally in common foods like apple peels, black tea, asparagus, buckwheat, onions, green tea, figs, and most citrus fruit)
Limonene (a liquid terpene with a lemon odor; found in lemons and oranges and other essential oils)
Baicalein (found in the root of Scutellaria baicalensis, aka Baikal skullcap or Chinese skullcap and thyme)
Hesperidin (a white or colorless crystalline compound occurring in citrus fruit)

What is serine protease?
Serine protease is an enzyme.

Why target serine protease?
Inhibiting serine protease can prevent spike protein activation and also reduce viral entry to cells, hence reducing infection rate as well as severity.

How to detox from serine protease
Substances that naturally inhibit serine protease and may help to reduce spike protein levels in the body:

Green tea
Potato tubers
Blue green algae
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
Boswellia (frankincense)


Nattokinase (see Table 1), an enzyme derived from the Japanese soybean dish ’Natto’, is a natural substance whose properties may help to reduce the occurrence of blood clots. Also Serrapeptase and Lumbrokinase to reduce clotting.


A paleo diet was found to reduce inflammation more than other diets.

In those suffering from Long COVID, Radix Astragali was found to offer great potential in treating the inflammation which leads to fatigue. Please note that it lowers virtually all of the key inflammatory agents exacerbated by SARS-CoV-2 and its Spike Protein.

What is Interleukin-6?

Interleukin 6, or IL-6, is a primarily pro-inflammatory cytokine protein. This means it is naturally produced by the body in response to infection or tissue damage and initiates the inflammatory response.

Why target IL-6?
Some natural substances help the post-jab detoxification process by targeting Interleukin 6.

Scientific evidence shows that cytokines such as IL-6, are found in far higher levels among those infected with Covid when compared to uninfected individuals.

IL-6 has been used as a biomarker for Covid progression. Increased levels of IL-6 have been found in patients with respiratory dysfunction. Meta-analysis has revealed a reliable relationship between IL-6 levels and covid severity. IL-6 levels have been inversely related with T-cell count in ICU patients.

Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 are also expressed post-vaccination, and studies suggest that they may reach the brain.

Il-6 inhibitors have in fact been recommended by the WHO for severe Covid cases, for which they have been described as life-saving.

The following lists of natural substances, including several basic anti-inflammatory food supplements, can be used to prevent the adverse effects of IL-6 by inhibiting its action.

IL-6 Inhibitors (anti-inflammatories): Boswellia serrata (frankincense) and dandelion leaf extract

Other IL-6 inhibitors: Black cumin (Nigella sativa), curcumin, fish oil and other fatty acids, cinnamon, fisetin (flavonoid), apigenin, quercetin (flavonoid), resveratrol, luteolin, vitamin D3 (with vitamin K2), zinc, magnesium, jasmine tea, spices, bay leaves, black pepper, nutmeg, and sage

Several natural, plant-based substances are used in antiviral therapy. The plant pigment quercetin has been shown to display a broad range of anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Zinc has been shown to work as a potent antioxidant, which protects the body from oxidative stress, a process associated with DNA damage, excess inflammation, and other damaging effects.

Based on the toxic mechanism of lipid nanoparticles which induce severe inflammation, natural molecules like Berberine, Curcumin and Modified Citrus Pectin should be considered therapeutically and prophylacticly for the C19 injected and those affected by shedding.

I have long used Berberine and Curcumin for its excellent antiinflammatory and glucose controlling benefits.

Appendix 12 - On Heavy Metal Detoxing Agents

As a result of being asked if the heavy metal detoxing agents should be taken together I asked ChatGPT what were the pros and cons. This was the reply returned.

Activated Charcoal:


Adsorption: Activated charcoal can bind to toxins and chemicals in the gut, preventing their absorption.
Relieves gas and bloating: It may help alleviate symptoms of gas and bloating by binding gas-producing compounds.
Emergency detox: Often used in emergency rooms for poisonings due to its ability to absorb toxins.


Potential nutrient absorption: It can bind not only toxins but also nutrients and medications, potentially reducing their absorption.
Dehydration: In high doses, it might cause dehydration due to its ability to absorb water from the digestive tract.
Effectiveness varies: Its effectiveness in routine detoxification outside of emergencies is debated.

Bentonite Clay:


Adsorptive properties: Similar to activated charcoal, it can bind to toxins in the digestive tract.
Mineral content: Contains minerals beneficial for health.
Gentle detox: Often considered gentler than activated charcoal.


Constipation: It may cause constipation if not consumed with enough water.
Heavy metal content: Low-quality clay may contain heavy metals.
Interactions with medications: It can interfere with medication absorption due to its binding properties.

Diatomaceous Earth:


Detox properties: Believed to help remove toxins and heavy metals from the body.
Promotes digestive health: Can support gut health by promoting regular bowel movements.
Rich in silica: Supports hair, skin, and nail health.


Respiratory risk: Breathing in diatomaceous earth dust can irritate the lungs.
Quality concerns: Purity and source are crucial; food-grade diatomaceous earth is safer for consumption.
Potential mineral depletion: May deplete beneficial minerals from the body.



Toxin binding: Binds to heavy metals and other toxins in the body.
Alkalizing effect: Can help balance pH levels in the body.
May support immune function: Some studies suggest it may have immune-modulating effects.


Quality issues: Purity and source are critical; some zeolite products may contain contaminants.
Long-term safety: Limited long-term studies on safety and effectiveness.
Potential dehydration: Can absorb water in the gut, leading to dehydration if not consumed with adequate fluids.

Taking Them Together:


Comprehensive detox: Each ingredient targets different toxins and may complement each other.
Balance: Each substance has unique properties that might cover a broader range of toxins and support detoxification pathways.


Overloading the system: Combining multiple detox agents can potentially overwhelm the body’s natural detoxification processes.
Nutrient depletion: These substances can also bind to beneficial nutrients, potentially leading to deficiencies.
Gastrointestinal upset: Some individuals may experience digestive discomfort or irregularity when using multiple detox agents simultaneously.

Conclusion: While these ingredients are often used for detoxification, especially in complementary and alternative medicine practices, it’s essential to use them cautiously and under professional guidance. Their effectiveness and safety can vary widely depending on the quality, dosage, and individual health conditions. Consulting with a healthcare provider before starting such a regimen is advisable, especially if you have any underlying health concerns or are taking medications.

Version 31
2 August 2024


Until next time,
dream big dreams,
plan out how to achieve them,
be continually executing your plans,
enlist people to your causes,
travel and/or read widely, preferably both,
all the while observing what you observe
rather than thinking what you are told to think,
think well of your fellow man,
take time to help your fellow man,
he sorely needs it and it will help you too,
eat food that is good for your body,
exercise your body,
take time to destress,
and do the important things
that make a difference -
they are rarely the urgent ones!



The bits that are of my creation are Copyright © 2014-2024 by Tom Grimshaw - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Also for entertainment and educational purposes. All rights to the original works go to those that hold them, no copyright infringement intended. All material used falls under fair use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998). (For commentary, criticism, education and satire)

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