Cancer Treatment Links

In response to my mention of two people I knew battling cancer I received several replies from people with potentially valuable data.
Sam said: “Cancer please visit and watch the video Get these people on the juicing program ASAP.”

Leigh wrote: “We can recommend Phillip Day if you have not run into him as yet. He’s an English Author.
Specifically on cancer:

And I found yet another mention of cancer and an acidic body being the best of mates here with a mention of Maple Syrup and Baking Soda as a aid to alkalizing the body to break up the friendship:

10 essential e-mail security measures

E-mail security is about a lot more than just using a good password on your mail server. Perhaps the most important part of e-mail security is ensuring you don’t shoot yourself in the foot. These best practices will help you avoid any mistakes. here

Using Google for Definitions

Doing some research on nutrition, health, aging etc. and just learned a really, really useful trick. If you want to know the definition of a word just type the word define followed by a colon, like this: define:dna Google gives you a page long list of definitions for the word you entered. You can then select the one that best fits or combine several to get what you need to know. Great time-saver.

Bypassing Recycle Bin

Warning: The following processes will permanently delete your file(s) and, in most cases, irrecoverable.
The ad-hoc method:
Highlight the file(s) you wish to delete, hold down the Shift key whist pressing the Delete key.
The permanent method:
Hold down the Alt key whilst double-clicking the Recycle Bin. From the pop-up Recycle Bin Properties, check the box that say “Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted”.