Keep On Trying

Keep On Trying
Discover and get on your basic purpose.
Create something important!
Inspire others to do the same.
Rinse and repeat.

Do Not Believe All You Think

Do Not Believe All You Think
Man, is this ever the truth!
It’s what differentiates the people who rise to greater heights from those who wallow at the lowest level.
Any time spent learning how to differentiate between those thoughts you SHOULD accept and those you should reject is time very well spent. It could very well be the single point of differentiation between success and failure for you.

Google Tolls the Death Knell for Web Directories

The latest heavy-handed, brutish attack on web directories and those who choose to use to them is both petty and spiteful. It’s unworthy of Google, and is bound to have far-reaching consequences. It’s also totally unnecessary, as an equitable outcome could have been achieved by quietly ignoring any perceived low-value links to websites. Deliberately devaluing websites because of links that Google arbitrarily decides are of low value is overkill. It takes no account of several aspects:

Bill HR748 National Service

Bill HR748 National ServiceOne of the single most destructive things you can do to the youth of a nation is to cause them to put their future on hold to perform compulsory military service.
But the powers that be would not do that on purpose… …would they?