The Right to Choose

I could not believe my ears tonight at dinner. We were watching the news (I know, I shouldn’t do it but sometimes it’s good intelligence gathering) when our Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, was being quoted talking about the budget.
I listened to what he said then raced to the kitchen to write down what after the vaccination blackmail I could not believe came out of his mouth.
“The whole point of our plan is to give people the best chance to lead the lives they choose; it’s to give you the best opportunity to live the life you want.”
Now, he was talking about the budget, about money, but I think he is spot on the money with health too. Especially about health and our right to choose what we deem best for our own and our children’s bodies.
So I plan to get this word out to as many people as possible to hold the rest of the government accountable to what Tony Abbott believes is the best plan – “To give people the best chance to lead the lives they choose.”
You are welcome to share this. In fact, please do. I want every Australian citizen to be aware of what Tony Abbott thinks is the best plan.
I want the government at all levels, every single bureaucrat, every authoritarian know-best, no matter their attire, business suit or white coat, no matter their vocation – teacher, doctor, politician or public servant – to sit up and take notice.
I want every single person in this land to be fully aware of perhaps the greatest words ever to usher from Tony Abbott’s or any other Australian Prime Minister’s mouth.
“The whole point of our plan is to give people the best chance to lead the lives they choose; it’s to give you the best opportunity to live the life you want.”
This statement is philosophically opposed to being financially forced into accepting a potentially deadly cocktail of vaccinations for your child.
Here is the link to the statement:

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